Target Groups

The project is addressing young learners from partner’s org.s and from the early stages of the project all partners will disseminate in at least three VETs from their countries, by introducing them to the aims and scope of the partnership. The VETs can be retrieved by the partner’s network or as a result of dissemination activities, such as online advertising. The aforementioned participants will be involved at all stages of the project’s implementation. During the holistic HR content creation (PR1) VETs learners will be called to respond to a questionnaire while, later in the project, the approached VETs, upon their willingness and availability, will become the users of the online platform that will be developed (PR2). At the final stage of the project’s implementation, the activity of the VETs of the platform will be tracked, always in accordance to all GDPR regulations, and a downloadable Handbook for CSR Activities will be developed and provided to all VETs through the platform (PR3). GreenMinds’ partners will also contact organizations related to CSR, corporate sustainability, and VET- related associations and chambers to meet the project’s requirements. Following the completion of the platform, the partners will be responsible for engaging additional relevant participants from the target communities through specially planned distribution activities. More specifically, by addressing to national VET-related associations, such as DVET Italy and others in Poland. The project aims to be as inclusive as possible. Its digital existence, as an online material, platform, and tool, among other things, serves to maximize impact and scope. The website, which will be available in all consortium partners’ official languages as well as English, will be accessible to a large number of users. As all the different Project Results of the project are distinct components of the final version of the key deliverables, the platform, participants from all partner countries will be involved in different phases of its shaping, development, and implementation. The partners will be responsible for engaging relevant participants by utilizing their networks, social media, and maximizing the outreach of dissemination activities. Furthermore, contact with relevant organizations, stakeholders, and policymakers can ensure the best possible outcomes and confirmation of the desired effect.